Shari R. Albrecht
Of Counsel
As a seasoned litigator, Shari Albrecht pragmatically addresses the business concerns of her clients in ways that stay true to their values.
Shari Albrecht defends clients in litigation involving their reputation including claims of defamation, invasion of privacy and right of publicity. She also regularly counsels on brand protection matters related to copyrights and trademarks.
Shari prides herself on managing business ligitation matters in an efficient, practical and collaborative manner. She is also skilled at handling contentious business issues, including shareholder and real estate disputes, in ways that reflect the client’s ultimate goals and values.
- Minnesota State Bar Association
- Minnesota Women Lawyers
- Recent Developments In Media, Privacy, Defamation, and Advertising Law, American Bar Association Torts, Trial & Insurance Practice (2012)
- Editor, American Bar Association First Amendment & Media Litigation Committee Newsletter (2010-2012)
- Illinois Court Grants Summary Judgment on Civil Rights Claims Based on Reality TV Program, MLRC Media Law Letter (November 2011)
- Three Lower Courts Rule on Illinois Anti-SLAPP Statute, MLRC Media Law Letter (September 2011)
- Snyder Applied To Dismiss Right of Publicity Claim In Reality TV Case, MLRC Media Law Letter (March 2011)
- Three Appellate Courts Interpret Illinois’s Anti-SLAPP Statute, MLRC Media Law Letter (October 2010)
- Court Refuses to Dismiss Section 1983 Claim, MLRC Media Law Letter (February 2010)